Pysähdy Kajalakodissa (2008)

Sommeren 2008 bodde Kristina på Kajalakoti, et gamlehjem, i tre uker som en del av det stedsspesifikke kunstprosjektet Taiteen tiet (kunstens veg).
Hun deltok på de samme aktivitetene og døgnrytmen som de andre som bodde der og hun skrev en blog om hvordan hun opplevde dette. Link til bloggen er her

Her er tekst fra bloggen, fredag 13. juni 2008:

Friday 13th: report 4:30 am – 4:30 pm

4:30 wake up. Sound: ventilation Place: my room in the cellar
5:30 following in the steps of the night shift. Sound: snorring and radio. Place: hallway
6:30 reading newspaper while dayshift arrive. Sound: the beeper for help Place: office
7:30 shower. Sound: water Place: shower downstairs
8:30 breakfast. Sound: shivering ceramic cups. Place: small eating hall

9:30 morning movement. Sound: bones. Place: small eating hall
10:30 aloud reading of todays newspaper. Sound: voice reading aloud. Place: Television hall
11:30 lunch. Sound: hostess serving food. Place: big eating hall
12:30 bingo. Sound: hard plastic balls on metal. Place: small eating hall
13:30 sitting in the rocking chair. Sound: steps. Place: Television hall
14:30 visiting. Sound: pauses inbetween speech. Place: someone elses room.
15:30 waiting for dinner. Sound: pots and pans in a room far away. Place: big eating hall
16:30 visitors. Sound: laughter. Place: my room in the cellar

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