Øvelser i frihet – performanceserie (2009)
How can performance art be a place to exercise freedom? Exercise of Freedom is a performance series performed announced and unannounced in various public places and at performance art festivals. Each of the exercises are different from each other.
Before performing each exercise, Kristina wrote the task in a blog and afterwards she added an image of the performed exercise to the same blog, which is found here.
“Being aware that freedom is a charged and multilateral word, the exercises are in many ways naive. They approach freedom from various perspectives, like freedom of the mind and imagination, freedom to act against conventions, freedom from supression and personal freedom. In each exercise my relationship to the context and site is of importance and I investigate the relationship between power, responsibility and freedom of the performer when I encounter the surroundings and my audience. In the frame of an exercise you are on a microlevel confronted with freedom. There is no solution to what freedom or performance art is, the only solution is that it needs to exercised.”
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Men når Junttila senere snur situasjonen og spør publikum om vi er fri eller ufri, skaper hun uro i salen. Folk får lure litt og skrive på en grønn lapp hva de føler. Så foreviger hun tvilen på foto. Å stille de spørsmål som Junttila tør og gjør i sine øvelser, er slik jeg ser det ikke bare en øvelse i frihet, men frihet i seg selv.” Anmeldelse av Øvelse i Frihet #23 og 24, Sidsel Pape – scenekunst.no