“Write a to do list”
Exercise given to me at the workshop at Hollo symposium, 12th of October 2017
“Write a to do list”
Exercise given to me at the workshop at Hollo symposium, 12th of October 2017
Green Peas
This exercise is done on a flat surface using dried green peas or other small round and hard objects, approximately the same size as a pearl. Every green pea is unique. Its individuality comes out as one tries to roll it on the floor by pushing it forward with the finger. Because its surface is irregular, the pea does not necessarily follow the direction in which the operator attempts to push it. Instead, it tends to find its own trajectory, over which the operator has no control. If the operator continues to push the pea forward there is a moment when it seems to move by itself, and the finger of the operator only follows its wandering. This moment of transformation is short, but it can be produced over and over again.
At the moment when the green pea starts to move by itself, its body and the body of the operator enter into a state of affective and unconscious exchange. The operator-body lends its capacity to move by itself to the pea-body, and the pea-body simplifies the operator-body by engaging it in reciprocal play.
This exercise has been developed by the Other Spaces group. Initially, it was used as a preparatory exercise in the public workshops the goes organised with the title “Secret Re-Education Camp (2009-2013). It was used as a pedagogical device for “simplifying”, i.e. both singularising and equalising the participants´bodies.
Toisissa Tiloissa. From the Performance Artists Workbook, Pilvi Porkola (ed.)
“Observe a day of silence
(also written)”
Exercise given to me at the workshop at Hollo Symposium 12th of October 2017
The Gift of Tongues
Sing meaningfully in a language made up on the spot.
Emmett Williams 1962
Fluxus Workbook
“Do not worry about performance for 8 hrs”
Exercise given to me at the workshop at Hollo Symposium 12th of October 2017
The local national anthem or another appropriate tune is sung or played in the washroom under the supervision of a uniformed attendant.
Robert Watts 1962
Fluxus Workbook
Shadow Piece
Make Shadows — still or moving — of your body or something on the road, wall, floor or anything else.
Catch the shadows by some means.
Mieko Shiomi 1963
Fluxus Workbook
Laundry Piece
In entertaining your guests, bring out your laundry of the day and explain to them about each item. How and when it became dirty and why, etc.
Yoko Ono 1963
Fluxus Workbook
See You in Your Dreams
Appear in another’s dreams.
Larry Miller 1977
Fluxus Workbook
Lower an island one inch by removing one inch of its top surface.
Milan Knizak 1965
Fluxus Workbook