Kristina teaches, give workshops, instruct and coach in Live Art, performance art and contemporary performing arts. She has 20 years experience in teaching various levels and groups and teacher education from the University of Tromsø and Master in Theatre Pedagogy from the Theatre Academy in Helsinki. She has among other places taught at the Art Academy in Turku, University of Tromsø, Aalto University and the Theatre Academy in Helsinki. Examples of themes she has taught is participatory art, site specific art, post dramaturgical forms, community art, multidisciplinary projects, interactive theatre, activism and performing arts, Fluxus Event Scores, everyday and art, artist talks and autobiograpical performances. She aim to show respect for the field and the students, so that each student can develop their own voice and that they together redevelop the field together through focusing on artistic practice, integrating critical theory and reflection. Below are a few examples of workshops and educational projects she has led.