Exercise 18 – Saturday 21st of October 2017 “Hold Every Breath”


The Exercise was given me at the workshop. This day I went to a performance about breathing “Pust” by Liv Hanne Haugen. Inside a big buble I was given a cup with 11 corns in. For each time I breathed I should drop the corn in the cup and it made a sound. Counting the breath of me and the other audience. I got surprised by how long one breath takes.

Exercise 16 – Thursday 19th of October 2017 “Choose a piece of art and look at it until you see something new.”

This exercise is from a deck of about 60 cards made by the “Moderna Museet” and Magda Lipka Falck in Stockholm. It proposes different ways to observe art and the instructions on the card is as follow 1. Take a card. 2. Follow the instruction. 3. What happens?

This piece of art is actually a table board used by earlier art students and it has been standing in my work room for some time. The more I observe, the more it looks like art. The colours, the texture. I get relaxed by it.

Exercise 15 – Wednesday 18th of October 2017 “Primary Stillness”

The book “The Analysis of Performance Art. A Guide to its Theory and Practice” by Anthony Howell puts forward a method of teaching performance art as a discipline distinct from dance, drama, painting or sculpture. There are exercises in the book which are different ways of mixing the three primaries of action; stillness, repetition and inconsistency.

I did not do an exercise this day, but link to an exercise I did in 2009 when I was supposed to stand still for an hour in a shopping mall, but was thrown out before an hour had passed. http://exercise-of-freedom.blogspot.no/2009/02/stand-still-for-one-hour-in-lively.html 

Exercise 13 – Monday 16th of October “Get the ball out of the pipe”

This exercise is from the book “Conceptual Blockbusting: A Guide to Better Ideas” by engineer James Adams. Employing unconventional exercises and other interactive elements, Adams shows individuals, teams, and organizations how to overcome these blocks, embrace alternative ways of thinking about complex problems, and celebrate the joy of creativity.

The exercise was introduced to me by professor of Art Education Charles Garoian at the workshop I organised “Performance Art, Exercises and Untamed Education” at the Art Academy, Tromsø.

If there is any “right” answer, to pee in it would solve the problem. To ask your mother is also a very good suggestion.

Exercise 9 – Thursday 12th of October 2017 “Ask someone else to create performance exercises for you.”

“Ask someone else to create performance exercises for you.”

I had a workshop at the Hollo Symposium at the Theatre Academy, Uniarts Helsinki “Imagining Exercises for the Performance Artist”. I asked the participants a task of creating exercises for me which I can perform during this year. I had printed a calendar with all the months of the year and they wrote exercises, based on my exercises and then place it on a chosen date.

  • One word exercise
  • Exercise on time – can be linked to a special date
  • Go sit somewhere else in the space. Write an exercise on space.
  • For you the most typical exercise for performance art
  • Exercise on body
  • Exercise for the personal
  • Exercise for the political
  • Exercise for the Everyday
  • Exercise for the Playfulness